
ALL India Database

Original price was: ₹25,000.00.Current price is: ₹2,500.00.

PAN India Database

  • Access to over 145 Crore+ Verified Database
  • TrueCaller Verified India Database
  • All India 10th / 12th Students Database
  • All India State Wise Database
  • B2B/ B2C Companies Database
  • School  / Colleges Database
  • Job Seekers Database
  • IT Companies Database
  • School  / Colleges Database
  • All India 250 + Category Wise



ALL India Database India is a Complete Database of Companies, Students, Teachers, Hospitals  Doctors, and more.

    • Access to over 145 Crore+ Verified Database
    • TrueCaller Verified India Database
    • All India 10th / 12th Students Database
    • All India State Wise Database
    • B2B/ B2C Companies Database
    • School  / Colleges Database
    • Job Seekers Database
    • IT Companies Database
    • School  / Colleges Database
    • All India 250 + Category Wise DatabaseDownload Instantly

It Will Be Very Helpful for You in Generating Potential Customers by Using Different Marketing Campaign Like Email Campaigns, Bulk SMS, Cold Calling, And Using More different-different Strategies of Digital Marketing.

So What Are You Waiting For, Download Instantly And Kick Start Your Business In a New Direction With Maximum Leads And Profit.

B2B/B2C Companies Database 1CR

Specialists Database 700000

Understudies Database 2CR

Occupation Seekers Database 4000000

Vehicle Owners Database 7000000

Area wise Database 500000

School Colleges Database 50,000

Educators Database 5,60,000

Backers/Lawyers Database 52,000

Specialists Database 37,000

Attire/Garments Exporters Database 65,245

Modeler/Interior Designers Database 65,000

Salons/SPA Database 70,000

BPO/Call Centers Employees Database 2,61,000

Building Material/Requisites Database 15,578

Business Analysts Database 25,000

Business Dev./Sales Professionals Database 439,000

Taxi Users Database 184,706

CBSE Schools Email IDs Database 14,810

PDAs/Accessories Shops Database 13,628

Chief/CFO/CMO/IT Heads Database 300,000

Channel Sales Persons Database 49,954

Sanctioned Accounts Database 42,000

Compound/Pharma Companies Database 39,600

Scientific experts/Medical Stores Database 105,000

Boss Managers Database 20,856

Structural Engineers Database 253,125

Club Mahindra Members Database 326,183

Business/Residential Properties Database 29,789

Organization MD/Secretatiaty/Chairmen Database 557,000

Organization Proprietors Database 397,196

PC/Laptop Dealers Database 17,966

PC/IT/Telecom Services Database 54,046

Specialists/Consulting Services Database 200,800

Temporary workers Database 10,931

Visa Holders Database 300,000

Client service Executives Database 144,816

Vendors Database 20,300

Charge Card Holders Database 818,788

Safeguard Force Delhi NCR Database 255,817

Originators Database 29,134

Computerized Photography Studios Database 59,000

Eating/Leisure Customers Database 21,801

D-Mat Account Holders Database 3,100,000

DTP Operators Database 13,598

Monetary Analysts Database 13,437

Instructive Institutes Database 11,173

Electricals/Electronics Stores Database 152,000

Representatives Delhi NCR Bank Database 34,466

Energy/Power Sector Delhi NCR Database 23,638

Architects/Service Engineers Database 90,132

Diversion/Media Database 88,820

Occasion Management Organizers Database 97,000

Exporters Database 104,628

Texture/Clothing Stores Database 12,511

Facebook Users Database 1,700,000

Females Database 400,000

Female Consumer Bangalore Database 117,740

Monetary Analysts/Managers/Industry Database 105,000

Food/Supplies/Beverage Stores Database 30,999

Specialists Database 76,000

Long-standing customer Database of 160,000

Furniture Stores/Dealers/Furnishing Business Database 27,000

Gas/Petroleum Companies Database 103,851

Pearls/Jewelry Shops Database 34,267

Head supervisors/Sr. Directors Database 1,465,000

Government Employee Database 110,000

Visual Designers Database 47,856

Exercise centers Database 24,000

Wellbeing/Beauty Shops/Business Database 51,545

HNI/High Income Employees Database 500,000

Home/Garden/Pets Suppliers Database 28,890

Inns/Restaurants/Bars Database 200,000

HR – Human Resources Database 38,485

Merchants Database 106,856

IT Companies Database 39,185

IT Professionals Database 1,429,000

Gem specialists Database 14,859

Speaker/Professor Database 25,083

Legitimate Firms Database 11,455

LIC Agents Emails Database 10,962

Coordinations Management Service Providers Database 87,653

Hardware Suppliers/Services Database 46,088

Male Gents Database 7,500,000

Assembling Companies Database 162,393

Media Planning Companies Database 214,681

Clinical Representatives (MR) Database 32,087

Metals/Minerals Industries Database 15,850

MLM Leader Emails Database 112,675

Versatile Numbers Database 10,000,000

Versatile Shops Database 15,223

Common Fund Investers Database 450,000

Organization Planning Companies Database 47,150

NGO/Trusts Database 22,034

NRIs (Non Resident Indians) Database 126,633

OLX Users Database 1,500,000

Online Sellers Database 300,000

Online Tele Shoppers Database 129,607

Pancard Holders Database 1,500,000

Picture takers Database 18,957

Position Agencies Database 48,309

Strategy Bazaar Database 785,333

Administrators Database 14,180

Printing/Packaging Companies Database 43,408

Venture Leader/Managers Database 30,302

Property Dealers Emails Database 15,819

Buy/Procurement Heads Database 47,125

Buy Managers Database 676,438

Genuine Esate Industry Database 150,000

Enlistment Agencies Database 49,904

Relationship Managers Database 43,191

Religares Database 413,539

Retail Shops Database 35,000

Samaj/Community Database 20,000,000

Semi Government Industries Database 19,340

Senior Citizens Database 2,000,000

Administrations Industries Database 18,810

Shopping Malls/Firms/Shops Database 81,441

Computer programmers Database 200,000

Steel Products Industry Database 117,329

Stock Broking/Trading Companies Database 206,817

Stock Traders Database 700,000

Sulekha Yellow Pages Database 1,300,000

General stores/Malls Database 23,331

Providers Database 80,406

Telecom Equipment/Suppliers Database 16,210

Materials Emails Database 19,800

Top Management Companies Database 32,304

Visit/Travel Companies Database 170,000

Exchanging Industries Database 79,376

Carriers Database 18,626

Guides/Tuition Centers Database 25,071

Web Development Companies Database 10,482

Site Owners Database 1,700,000

WhatsApp Numbers Database 19,000,000

Ladies’ Wear Shops/Malls Database 10,055

Working Professionals Database 2,150,000

Additional Database 25CR

B2B/ B2C Companies Database 1CR
Doctors Database 100000
Students Database 2CR
Job Seekers Database 4000000
Car Owners Database 7000000
Domain Whois Database 500000
School Colleges Database 50,000
Teachers Database 5,60,000
Advocates/ Lawyers Database 52,000
Agents Database 37,000
Apparel/ Garments Exporters Database 65,245
Architect/ Interior Designers Database 65,000
Beauty Parlors Saloons/ SPA Database 70,000
BPO/ Call Centres Employees Database 2,61,000
Building Material/ Requisites Database 15,578
Business Analysts Database 25,000
Business Dev./ Sales Professionals Database 439,000
Cab Users Database 184,706
CBSE Schools Email IDs Database 14,810
Cell Phones/ Accessories Shops Database 13,628
CEO/ CFO/ CMO/ IT Heads Database 300,000
Channel Sales Persons Database 49,954
Chartered Accounts Database 42,000
Chemical/ Pharma Companies Database 39,600
Chemists/ Medical Stores Database 105,000
Chief Managers Database 20,856
Civil Engineers Database 253,125
Club Mahindra Members Database 326,183
Commercial/ Residential Properties Database 29,789
Company MD/ Secretatiaty/ Chairmen Database 557,000
Company Proprietors Database 397,196
Computer/ Laptop Dealers Database 17,966
Computer/ IT/ Telecom Services Database 54,046
Consultants/ Consulting Services Database 200,800
Contractors Database 10,931
Credit Card Holders Database 300,000
Customer Support Executives Database 144,816
Dealers Database 20,300
Debit Card Holders Database 818,788
Designers Database 29,134
Digital Photography Studios Database 59,000
Dining/ Leisure Customers Database 21,801
D-Mat Account Holders Database 3,100,000
DTP Operators Database 13,598
Economic Analysts Database 13,437
Educational Institutes Database 11,173
Electricals/ Electronics Stores Database 152,000
Employees Delhi NCR Bank Database 34,466
Energy/ Power Sector Delhi NCR Database 23,638
Engineers/ Service Engineers Database 90,132
Entertainment/ Media Database 88,820
Event Management Organisers Database 97,000
Exporters Database 104,628
Fabric/ Clothing Stores Database 12,511
Facebook Users Database 1,700,000
Females Database 400,000
Female Consumer Bangalore Database 117,740
Financial Analysts/ Managers/ Industry Database 105,000
Food/ Supplies/ Beverage Stores Database 30,999
Freelancers Database 76,000
Frequent Flyer Database 160,000
Furniture Stores/ Dealers/ Furnishing Business Database 27,000
Gas/ Petroleum Companies Database 103,851
Gems/ Jewellery Shops Database 34,267
General Managers/ Sr. Managers Database 1,465,000
Government Employes Database 110,000
Graphic Designers Database 47,856
Gymnasiums Database 24,000
Health/ Beauty Shops/ Business Database 51,545
HNI/ High Income Employees Database 500,000
Home/ Garden/ Pets Suppliers Database 28,890
Hotels/ Restuarants/ Bars Database 200,000
HR – Human Resources Database 38,485
Importers Database 106,856
IT Companies Database 39,185
IT Professionals Database 1,429,000
Jewellers Database 14,859
Lecturer/ Professor Database 25,083
Legal Firms Database 11,455
LIC Agents Emails Database 10,962
Logistics Management Service Providers Database 87,653
Machinery Suppliers/ Services Database 46,088
Male Gents Database 7,500,000
Manufacturing Companies Database 162,393
Media Planning Companies Database 214,681
Medical Representatives (MR) Database 32,087
Metals/ Minerals Industries Database 15,850
MLM Leader Emails Database 112,675
Mobile Numbers Database 10,000,000
Mobile Shops Database 15,223
Mutual Fund Investers Database 450,000
Network Planning Companies Database 47,150
NGO/ Trusts Database 22,034
NRIs (Non Resident Indians) Database 126,633
OLX Users Database 1,500,000
Online Sellers Database 300,000
Online Tele Shoppers Database 129,607
Pancard Holders Database 1,500,000
Photographers Database 18,957
Placement Agencies Database 48,309
Policy Bazaar Database 785,333
Principals Database 14,180
Printing/ Packaging Companies Database 43,408
Project Leader/ Managers Database 30,302
Property Dealers Emails Database 15,819
Purchase/ Procurement Heads Database 47,125
Purchase Managers Database 676,438
Real Esate Industry Database 150,000
Recruitment Agencies Database 49,904
Relationship Managers Database 43,191
Religares Database 413,539
Retail Shops Database 35,000
Samaj/ Community Database 20,000,000
Semi Government Industries Database 19,340
Senior Citizens Database 2,000,000
Services Industries Database 18,810
Shopping Malls/ Firms/ Shops Database 81,441
Software Engineers Database 200,000
Steel Products Industry Database 117,329
Stock Broking/ Trading Companies Database 206,817
Stock Traders Database 700,000
Sulekha Yellow Pages Database 1,300,000
Super Markets/ Malls Database 23,331
Suppliers Database 80,406
Telecom Equipment/ Suppliers Database 16,210
Textiles Emails Database 19,800
Top Management Companies Database 32,304
Tour/ Travel Companies Database 170,000
Trading Industries Database 79,376
Transporters Database 18,626
Tutors/ Tution Centers Database 25,071
Web Development Companies Database 10,482
Website Owners Database 1,700,000
WhatsApp Numbers Database 19,000,000
Womens Wear Shops/ Malls Database 10,055
Working Professionals Database 2,150,000
Extra Database (STATE,CITY DATA) 25CR
Pincode 33cr


Hurry up! download all India database and start your marketing campaign. Increase your business growth with accurate leads.